OM Polyclinic

ConsultantDegreeSpecialityRegistration No.
Dr. Sharad DhaktodeM.B.B.S, M.SGeneral Surgeon59563
Dr. Mrs. Vandana DhaktodeM.B.B.S, M.SGeneral Surgeon and Gastroenterologist65831
Dr. Sunil WanveM.B.B.S, M.DPhysician and Cardiologist87914
Dr. Atul JoshiM.S, F.M.A.S, F.I.C.S, F.A.I.S, F.I.A.G.E.SLaparoscopic Surgeon70549
Dr. Prasad KamathM.B.B.S, M.D, D.G.OGynaecologist And Obstetrician64611
Dr. Satish KamatM.B.B.S, M.S, D.N.B.E, F.A.C.R.S.IOncosurgeon [Cancer]63955
Dr. Parag GavandeM.B., M.S, M.Ch (Urology), D.N.B (Genitourinary Surgery)Urologist62660
Dr. Bharati KhandekarPlastic and Cosmetic Surgeon64940
Dr. Hemraj IngaleM.B.B.S, M.DPeadiatrician [Child]89187
Dr. ShreedeviM.B.B.S, Diploma in AnesthesiaAnesthesiologist53738
Dr. Madhav BaituleM.B.B.S, MD (Path)Pathologist49649
Dr. Sachin PatilSonologist81886
Dr. Kirti PatilNeurophysician12330
Dr. Dushyant BhadlikarPsychiatrist77555
Dr. Meena Pruthi2D Echo74071
Mrs. Malvika NimkarDieticianClinical Nutrition & Dietician
Dr. Nikhil M. GhubadeMCh Plastic SurgeryConsultant Plastic, Reconstructive Burns Surgeon2007/04/0976